It’s that time of year again! Have you scheduled your dental cleaning and exam yet in the new year? If you’re wondering, “Are annual dental appointments important?” that’s a great question! Read on for our answers to top questions about routine dental visits.

Why Routine Dental Care is Important

To answer the question, “Are annual dental appointments important?” let’s start by talking about why routine dental care is important.

You’ve probably heard your dentist recommend that you brush your teeth after each meal or 3 times a day. These simple and routine activities of caring for your teeth help to prevent cavities, gum disease, and other problems by keeping your teeth clean and free from food debris and plaque.

Routine visits to your dentist are similar. Many people only think of visiting the dentist when they have a problem or experience discomfort, but visiting the dentist regularly can help to prevent problems from occurring.

What Happens During a Routine Appointment?

Now that we’ve answered the question, “Are annual dental appointments important?” you’re probably wondering what happens during a routine appointment.

When you visit the dentist for a routine appointment, they will typically perform an exam and professional dental cleaning. During the exam, your dentist might check your teeth and measure your gums for signs of tooth decay or gum inflammation. They might also take x-rays to check the health of your teeth beneath the surface.

The dental hygienist will then typically use special tools to remove any stains and tartar buildup from your teeth and polish your teeth so they’ll look and feel their brightest and best.

Call Your Dentist Today!

Are you due for a routine dental appointment? Dentists typically recommend checkups bi-annually or every 6 months for healthy patients – and more often for those who have a history of dental or other health conditions that might affect their teeth. So, if it’s been more than 6 months since your last appointment, it’s time to make another visit!

Call our Dallas Dental Office, to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.


M-Thu: 7 am-3 pm
Fr: By appointment only

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